Business to Business Marketing

Marketing to Build a Network

Business to business marketing or B2B marketing is not just a buzzword. In fact it is an essential building block for success for many of our clients. If your organizations main target for sales is other businesses, you need B2B marketing. 

At Lorikeet Creative our objective for B2B marketing has two components:

Through these two well defined objectives clients who work with Lorikeet Creative begin accumulating impressive client portfolios through lead generation based marketing along with coaching on messaging for in person sales scenarios. This at times includes the development of E-learning to train staff on company messaging and values.

Lorikeet Creative's marketing team also emphasizes the importance of brand reputation through quality control, consistent messaging, and recognizable branding. Once brand reputation is cultivated correctly, organizations working with Lorikeet Creative can expect their own clients to start recommending their company through "word of mouth" marketing, which builds a network of referral based business in addition to external marketing stradegy.