The GLOBE Program

A Worldwide Science and Education Program

The GLOBE program is a worldwide science and education initiative that connects students, teachers, and scientists to conduct Earth science research. This program fosters scientific literacy and aims to empower the next generation to become stewards of the environment and advocates for science literacy, education and communication. Lorikeet proudly partners with The GLOBE Program to produce outstanding live event services and other media for science outreach and communication purposes. 

If you represent a government agency or large business and are looking to engage your audiences with high quality video content contact us today!

Moon Trees: Past, Present & Future

We're excited to announce that our program-length documentary "Moon Trees: Past, Present & Future" was released on Arbor Day, April 26 2024. This film was a collaboration between NASA's GLOBE Program, NASA's Artemis Program, The Moon Tree Foundation, The USDA Forest Service and the National Center for Atmospheric research. Thank you to all the dedicated, knowledgeable and passionate people that gave their time and expertise to make this amazing project a reality!

The GLOBE Program 2023 Annual Meeting

The 2023 GLOBE Annual Meeting ran from 17-20 July in Denver, CO, USA. GLOBE members from over 40 different countries came together to share their accomplishments, knowledge, and cultures. 

The Lorikeet Creative team provided GLOBE with comprehensive end-to-end event media services, capturing the event from multiple angles, providing daily long-form edits of the events for broadcast to the worldwide GLOBE community and producing a final 10 minute wrap up film of the event upon its conclusion.

GLOBE Exceptional Needs Workshop

How can we remove the barriers some face when doing GLOBE? This question was asked by the GLOBE Technology Working Group Accessibility Subcommittee and resulted in an enlightening Exceptional Needs Workshop during the 2023 GLOBE Annual Meeting. 

This shortened version of the workshop recording was shown at the 2023 AGU Annual Meeting during a presentation named "Engaging Diverse Communities to Encourage Youth Participation in STEM: Examples Through Videos".